“I absolutely love all types of Italian food!” Said glamorous upcoming actress Bhavna Limbachia, Alia from Citizen Khan.

In an exclusive interview, Bhavna Limbachia, who stars in the Birmingham based sitcom Citizen Khan, tells Parring Off Politely (PoffP) about her love for Italian food, artwork and career.

When asked about her favourite type of food, Bhavna said: “Ooh.. Italian! I absolutely love all types of Italian food! I’m hoping to go to Italy for a while and do a cookery course out there with the real Italian pros!”

Bhavna also tells PoffP about her family’s reaction to the launch of her career in the media industry: “they are very supportive and proud. It’s nice to see them take an interest and enjoy what I do.”

 Everyone needs encouragement from family or friends, Bhavna seems to have a lot of it!

 Bhavna Limbachia has not only got skills in acting, she has also had success in different industries such as fashion design: 

 “My Fashion and Costume background will always be a part of me. However, I always knew from a very young age that I wanted to become an actress. I went into Costume Design and realized I still wanted to satisfy my creativity and pursue acting, so I decided to concentrate on that instead. It wasn’t an easy leap to make but I couldn’t regret something I didn’t do- it just didn’t make sense to me. So here I am…Haha!” 

We can tell Bhavna has had some sort of experience in fashion, she always looks amazing in her photos.

The sitcom star also reveals how she has done some modelling, but her ultimate goal is to carry on with acting:

“I do the odd bit here and there. But it’s not something I would want to pursue as a career. My passion is acting so I’d like to see that through.” 

‘Life is too short to have regrets’, is a motto recognised by all types of people around the world. But Bhavna has a much better way of reflecting on her life so far and career choices:

“Each choice has lead me to where I am now. I still feel I have a long way to go but I’m enjoying the journey and I am deeply grateful for every opportunity that comes my way.”

In April, Bhavna retweeted some artwork by Art and Design student Henna Limbachia. Bhavna tells PoffP about her fondness of art:

“I’m a huge fan of Art. Especially abstract and surrealism. I come from an artistic family and I studied Art at school and college. I still love being creative in that way. I also admire up and coming artists like Henna who send out strong messages through their work so feel it’s important to share their talent.” 

Henna has posted numerous pieces of her astounding artwork on her Instagram account: @hennalimbachia

Getting in to acting can be a struggle, Bhavna tells PoffP about how she managed to debut in the sitcom, Citizen Khan.

“Initially I was contacted by the casting director to audition for the part of Alia (Mr Khan’s youngest daughter) for the sitcoms showcase in Salford back in 2011. At this stage the show had not been commissioned so it was a case of going through the audition rounds to be a part of the showcase. Citizen Khan turned out to be very popular on the night and we were all thrilled. The show was commissioned to be aired on BBC1.”  

Limbachia also told us about how she likes to sit back and relax after the filming of a series:

“Filming a whole series -especially in front of a live audience is hard work and it can be exhausting. So after the series I tend to have a bit of time off to recover and then bounce back for the next project.”

Speaking of projects, Bhavna explains her future aspirations as an actress: “I would love to do some gritty British drama like Happy Valley or even an action packed feature! Something I can really get my teeth into that would challenge me on all levels,” -it is important to be challenged in life of course, it allows progress with the help of skills and experience.  

As a result of her own career path, the talented actress likes to give advice to anyone who wants to take the route of acting: 

“First and foremost, you have to think really hard about if acting is something you really want pursue as a career, because it won’t be an easy ride. With anything creative you have to be committed 100% at all times. Get as much experience as you can and really put yourself out there. Most importantly- enjoy it!”  

The slender beauty queen replies to remarks about her toned body:

“Toned? That’s nice of you say! I wasn’t a gym goer before but I realized it was important to be fit and healthy so I joined. I also have a sweet tooth so thought it would be a good idea to balance things out.”

So that’s the extra special Christmas treat for the lovely Parring Off Politely viewers. Seasons greetings and a happy new year to you all.

Laid-back Liberals with a hint of a failing financial plan

Liberalism includes a more positive view of the human nature. This means, liberals believe that humans are creatures who venture for freedom who need some sort of control, Laws. But their view on society is much more optimistic compared to conservatism. Liberals concentrate less on authority and focus on government by consent (agreement). I agree with this because I respect that liberals seek consent before any radical changes.

Liberals believe the role of the Government should be limited and not abuse its powers. In my opinion, this means that they like to take decentralised decisions in the political system. This is a strength because I feel that each member of the Government should have the right of freedom of political expression when decision-making. I also think that decentralisation (dispersal) of power is key in the running of a democratic country because decisions made by the Government are inevitably bound to affect the public. Therefore it is paramount that Government officials are given the freedom of political expression to fairly represent the interests of the general public.

In order for everyone to have the freedom of speech, Liberals believe it is vital to ensure that all citizens have equal opportunities; an example of this could be their proposal of lowering the voting age to 16. Despite the lack of political knowledge in 16 year olds nowadays, I believe that lowering the voting age will encourage youngsters to increase their political participation which will automatically broaden their political understanding, perhaps even developing opinions on certain issues. There are way too many under representations in our DEMOCRACY. The Government Equalities Office (http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20100505211508/http:/www.equalities.gov.uk/pdf/301611_GEO_WomensRepresentation_acc.pdf, page three) says as little as 19.4% Members of Parliament are women. So 19.4% of the Members of Parliament represent more than half (51%) of the female population, quite frankly, this is appalling.

The need for younger Government officials is increasing, as the usual Government officials (older White Anglo-Saxon Protestant men) are taking over OUR Parliament, making decisions on OUR behalf without OUR consent, misrepresenting us youths who are the people of the future. Did we get a say about the university fees? No. According to the BBC, (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-30080659) The Higher Education Commission is concerned about the amount of money being spent on writing off student debts. Yet they’re still enforcing this failure of a financial plan on us. What a fantastic government we have! Of course people with more power and high status always influence weaker individuals in society. Nevertheless, liberals are still against the concentrated power of elites (a small group of people with power).

Emphasizing the significance of tolerating (accepting) different manners of living, traditions and religions is important to the liberals. From my point of view, I too, think it is important because England’s concentration of people from different backgrounds and races is increasing. As a matter of fact, people of different ethnic backgrounds enrich England with a variety of cultures.